Of Grandpa Nick, Saturn and Coffee Grounds

Existential psychologists and therapists believe that when
all is said and done, when it all comes down to it, we, as human beings, are
alone. One of the ways though that human
beings find meaning is their potential to connect through relationships. Through such relationships one can discover
themselves and find in their personal awareness that they really are not alone. It may sound confusing, and I don’t subscribe
to myself all that the existentialists believe and teach. However, I do know and believe that
connections we make with other people help us to find meaning in our
lives. I know that my connection with my
Grandpa certainly instilled great meaning for me in my own life.
I miss him every day.
I miss seeing him. I miss hearing
his voice. I miss watching him eat. I miss watching him pray. I miss his off-color remarks. I miss his smile. I miss his overall love for life. I miss arguing with him. I miss that twinkle in his eye that told me
despite what he said, that he knew God was real, that he loved Him, and that
all was going to be right no matter what happened in this world or in the world
to come. Over the past few days, in
thinking about the coming week and what it has come to mean for me, I have felt
close to him. There are little reminders
each day of him. A year ago I wrote a
poem on his behalf that I read at his funeral.
It was a poignant writing that shared with my family and friends my
feelings about my Grandpa, and to some extent how the world would be without
him, for it is certainly a little different.

I love my Grandpa Nick.
That is how he is known to me.
Just Grandpa Nick. I miss
him. I long for him on most days. One blessing I do have though, is that never
has a day passed in my life, even to now, where I have not experienced
him. Enjoy.
Saturn and Coffee Grounds
Time passes through a series of motions,
Rotations on axis,
Changes of earth-bound varying seasons,
And even through absence,
The unwanted fulfillment of grievance.
Fainter with passing days,
Are familiar and common moments,
Bringing changes in ways,
Of life's meaning and wanting components,
The mem'ry though, it stays.
Pictures and stage play in remem'bring mind,
Feelings of longing heart,
Those common moments one again can find,
When searching for a part,
The permanent connection still aligned.
Saturn and coffee grounds,
Discovered by sight and smell unexpected,
Recalls the unheard sounds,
Of a voice once heard now undetected,
The spirit knows no bounds.
Time passes through a series of motions,
Rotation on axis,
Changes of earth-bound varying seasons,
Yet even through absence,
The connection through Heaven still deepens.
©Joshua D. Cooke
October 5, 2012
For Grandpa Nick
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