Hard Realities
Some things are just meant to be put on the front page, so I didn't think it necessary to link this post to anything, and that I would just put it right here. It's 11:45 at night on September 30, and I can't sleep. Not tonight. It's just not sitting right with me. Today I learned that some dear friends of mine lost their newborn baby boy. What was four days ago a wonderful blessing shared with family, friends, and all around the social media sphere, today turned into sadness and a hard reality. I can't get it out of my head, and I can't get my friend and his family out of my heart. I ache for them in the worst possible way.
In times like this, when I reflect on my own life, my thoughts turn to several things. The first is, I am grateful that I know there is a God, and even more so, that He is my Heavenly Father. I am grateful to know that there is a plan, and that life is not just a matter of chance or of happenstance. Next to feeling pain and sadness for my dear friends, these were my first thoughts as I heard the news today.
It is in my nature when major events like this happen that I write something, most typically a poem. I haven't done that yet. To be honest, what is stopping me is that it almost seems selfish to even make the attempt. I am not there with my friends, and even more, I am not my friends, and I would never be one to pretend that I have any idea what they are going through right now, the pain of losing a child and of having to move forward with life, a two year old little boy still needing to be nurtured and fed, to feel safe at night, and now, to wonder why his baby brother didn't come home. So right now it just seems right to let that sit for a little bit, because I just cannot imagine what I could write, say, or do that would offer any measure of solace or comfort. I will say this though; one thing about me is that for whatever reason, in the face of tragedy, especially death, I tend to feel a lot of pain. I tend to both sympathize and empathize for people in extraordinary ways. It gets me to my core, and I am still trying to figure out for what purpose.
Lying in bed tonight, unable to sleep, the thought crossed my mind that I need to stop taking life for granted. To be honest, this has been an interesting thought to me, because initially I have pushed back thinking that I have been through plenty to realize that I should not take life for granted. Tonight though, I realized that there is work to be done. I need to be a little better and do a little more. I think we can all do that. Be a little better and do a little more. As for me, the first thing I am going to do is hold on to my three girls a lot tighter and make sure I smile more. I have a feeling that those small sacrificies are going to make a big difference in helping me realize the importance and truthfulness of the gosspel.
I think there is more to say, but my bed is calling. It is my hope that we will remember this. Be a little better and do a little more. It's a reminder for all of us.
In times like this, when I reflect on my own life, my thoughts turn to several things. The first is, I am grateful that I know there is a God, and even more so, that He is my Heavenly Father. I am grateful to know that there is a plan, and that life is not just a matter of chance or of happenstance. Next to feeling pain and sadness for my dear friends, these were my first thoughts as I heard the news today.
It is in my nature when major events like this happen that I write something, most typically a poem. I haven't done that yet. To be honest, what is stopping me is that it almost seems selfish to even make the attempt. I am not there with my friends, and even more, I am not my friends, and I would never be one to pretend that I have any idea what they are going through right now, the pain of losing a child and of having to move forward with life, a two year old little boy still needing to be nurtured and fed, to feel safe at night, and now, to wonder why his baby brother didn't come home. So right now it just seems right to let that sit for a little bit, because I just cannot imagine what I could write, say, or do that would offer any measure of solace or comfort. I will say this though; one thing about me is that for whatever reason, in the face of tragedy, especially death, I tend to feel a lot of pain. I tend to both sympathize and empathize for people in extraordinary ways. It gets me to my core, and I am still trying to figure out for what purpose.
Lying in bed tonight, unable to sleep, the thought crossed my mind that I need to stop taking life for granted. To be honest, this has been an interesting thought to me, because initially I have pushed back thinking that I have been through plenty to realize that I should not take life for granted. Tonight though, I realized that there is work to be done. I need to be a little better and do a little more. I think we can all do that. Be a little better and do a little more. As for me, the first thing I am going to do is hold on to my three girls a lot tighter and make sure I smile more. I have a feeling that those small sacrificies are going to make a big difference in helping me realize the importance and truthfulness of the gosspel.
I think there is more to say, but my bed is calling. It is my hope that we will remember this. Be a little better and do a little more. It's a reminder for all of us.
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