Faithful Companion

The theme of loss keeps hitting myself and my family. There doesn't seem to be any end in sight. We are all to familiar and used to the sting of loss. Fifteen years ago my brother brought home the greatest birthday gift he ever received. He was a faithful Alaskan Malamute puppy we called "Malone," after NBA great Karl Malone. He has been the greatest and most faithful companion any boy and family could have. Of course, I think nearly everyone says that about their dog, but Malone was special. Today, Malone passed away after fifteen faithful years. His old body finally got tired one last time. We love him and miss him so much, perhaps none more so than my brother. Over the past several years, I have written poems and eulogies for nearly every one of my family members that have passed away. Today, the need and desire to do so was no different. What follows is a new poem in memory of our faithful friend and companion M...