Head to the Author Blog

Blogger does not make it easy to put new posts on seperate pages, but I want to keep things divided up if I can, so I will post links on this page to the other pages, so that you know I have a new post, and where to go.  Blogger will only show a so called new post on the home page.  Confusing, I know, but the link can be found right here, yes, click here, and enjoy!

In addition, you will now see a direct link to my createspace e-store to purchase A Second Within an Hour Delayed on the right hand side of the page.  This way, as my welcome message gets further and further down the list of posts, you can have easy access to purchasing the book.  Please, spread the word to your friends and family.  Word of mouth is the best way to go!  Also, don't hesitate to share a comment or ask a question on the author blog or anywhere else for that matter.  I will answer the best I can.


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