
Showing posts from July, 2013


Let's get something straight right away.  When I was around two years old or so, it was discovered I had a hearing impairment.  I was fitted with hearing aids and have dealt with the implications of this fact my entire life.  For all we know, my hearing impairment is simply a result of a premature birth and the all-out efforts to keep me alive.  The way I see it, when one looks at pictures of myself looking nothing short of a crazy science experiment at birth, I consider myself quite blessed to have come out of it all with nothing a few scars and a hearing impairment to show for it. Now, in many ways growing up with a hearing impairment was not easy.  First of all, I was and still am extremely stubborn when it comes to wearing my hearing aids.  It's not like those things fit in your ear like a glove on your hand.  They are uncomfortable and annoying.  They rub against the inside of you ear at times and makes them itchy and sore.  There were plenty of times growing up that I r