Small Town living, genograms and NANOWRIMO
I recognize that I have been remiss in writing the past few weeks. I will use the simple excuse that I have been busy. What can I say? I'm in a Master's program that runs on the quarter system. It makes for some pretty intense scheduling. I have had some thoughts going through my head though, and would like to take the time to share them here. As you can see, it's an entire conglameration of thoughts, so we will see whee it takes me. My family and I moved from Utah to Ashland Oregon at the end of July. We have been here for several months now and it really has become home to us. The weather has been awesome. We are just now getting into the rainy season. Up until three weeks ago we have had nothing but blue sky and sunshine. This has made for some great times. There has been a lot of family walks, trips to Lithia Park, one of the most gorgeous parks I have ever seen, and plenty of bike rides. I have come to ...